First Aid Courses

WMT ‘Far From Help’ First Aid Course

Taught by expedition doctors, Far From Help – FFH – is WMT’s Explorer in-depth foundation course for non-medics. Content includes treating common expedition injuries, illnesses and using medicines safely and legally. On completion, participants can obtain a useful set of prescription only medicines (POMs) such as antibiotics, altitude drugs and pain killers.

FFH training may enable you to resolve an injury, infection or illness condition in the field and make your patient more comfortable by the control of pain, sickness and fever. No pre-requisite to attend. End of course exam. 2-year certification. FFH is a demanding course superior to any “expedition first aid” course out there. FFH is frequently delivered as private training for UK groups and across the world.

This Autumn Roam West will be hosting its first WMT Far From Help First Aid Course for Outdoor Professionals and Adventurers.

Date: 29th - 30th October

Cost: £380 (Non Residential)

Venue: Roam West

Accommodation is available at Roam West for those looking to stay on-site for the duration of the course.